Thorburn Road, Wigan, Lancashire, WN5 9LW

School Office: 01942 222721

Early years centre: 01942 776628

St. Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we love, learn and pray: to grow in the St. Cuthbert's way.

  1. News
  2. Early Years Centre
  3. Flu Vaccine

Flu Vaccine

8 November 2020 (by Tracy Cottam (TCottam))

Just a quick reminder that the nurses will be in our setting tomorrow, Monday 9th November, to administer the  flu vaccine to those children whose parents/ carers have given consent. 

If your child doesn't attend on a Monday and you have signed the form for them to have the vaccination at nursery, then you can bring your child along to the centre at 9;45 am.  We will take your child through to the nurses and get them seen as soon as possible. 

There maybe a short wait and parents must wait outside the building. Remember to keep your distance from others.

Thank you

Early Years Team